
Monday, June 21, 2010

Over Inbox Gmail

Kalian yang punya gmail, mungkin pernah males baca inbox kan.. Pengalaman pribadi sih gitu. Nah baru nyari nih caranya supaya semuanya dimarked as READ secara CEPAT. Jadi ga usah buka satu1 emailnya atau hapus satu1.

Just type:

is:unread or label:unread

di search Mail

Semoga bermanfaat.

dapat dari sini

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Zionist Candle

Dari Solidaritas Muslim Anti 15r43l & Yahudi, dimohon untuk: 

Buka komputer Anda pada direktori:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10

cari gambar bernama J0285926

Anda akan temukan gambar Lambang/bendera zionis 15r43l lengkap (persis dengan warna aslinya) dengan lilin (sarana ibadah mereka).  

Gambar tersebut ada di semua PC di seluruh dunia. Kecuali mungkin yang pake LINUX + openoffice keanya ga ada ...!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account~

1. WHY? 

Yang pasti karena FB punya Yahudi. Si Mark Zuckerberg pasti diuntungkan karena banyaknya member FB dan naikkin ratingnya. Karena banyak member berasosiasi dengan banyak iklan. KIta ga klik iklannya pun, dia tetap untung.

Banyak yang tidak tahu bahwa pay-per-click bukanlah satu satunya cara sebuah social networking meraup untung. Bisnis advertising di dunia social networking semacam facebook dan friendster menjadikan populasi sebagai patokan bahwa semakin banyak orang yang melihat iklan tersebut maka semakin banyak orang akan memasang iklan di sana. Semakin banyak yang beriklan maka situs jejaring sosial tersebut mendapat banyaak tawaran iklan dan meraup keuntungan. Sumber: Ana
Tapi WordPress juga punya orang Yahudi mba Ana,,, CMIIW
heuheu,, google dan yahoo juga seh T_T

Selanjutnya mungkin kita harus belajar tentang social network advertising. So, buat apa bertahan di tempat... beuh... susah memang memutus silaturrhim. Tapi kan ga beneran.. Saya susah payah mencari pembenaran untuk tetap bertahan, tapi ga bisa... terbayang wajah2 muslimin Palestine.. Mungkin itu hidayah dari Allah. Amiin.

2. Before You Start

Facebook makes it pretty easy to deactivate your account which will temporarily hide your information. However, if you want to permanently remove your information, the "permanent delete" option is much harder to find. This article will cover two easy ways to erase your Facebook account so you can Quit Facebook forever. 

* Remove Facebook Connect logins. Many sites, like and, allow signup and login using Facebook Connect -- List of Facebook Connect sites (may not be complete or current.) If you have accounts on such sites, go to each of them, and:
  • make sure you have a way to login that does not involve Facebook Connect (you will most likely have to create a username and password on the site if you haven't already.)
  • logout of the account, then log back in using the alternate method (not using Facebook Connect), ensuring that you will be able to access the account after your Facebook account is deleted.

Short Method 1

  1. Copy and paste once you have logged on. This screen will present itself:

  2. Click "Submit" and follow instructions. There will be a simple password and a Captcha spam check to enter in. Captcha spam checks are to make sure you are the real owner of your account and not an automated program.

  3. Do not login or connect with your Facebook account. You will receive an email saying that your account will be deleted in 14 days. Any interaction with the account during that period could prevent it from being deleted, so for 14 days:

    • do not try to login to your Facebook account; you may want to clear your browser cache and delete your cookies so that you don't login inadvertently.
    • do not click the Facebook Share or Like button on any site you visit.
    • do not use Facebook Connect to login to or signup on any site (see Before You Start, above.)

    • Wait and watch. At the end of 14 days, all of your posts, comments, info, etc., will be permanently made inaccessible on Facebook.

    Longer Method 2

    If the short method does not work for you, here is the longer method that sets out how to get to the deletion button.
    1. Go to the bottom of the home page. Click on the "help center" (!/help/?ref=pf).

    2. At "help center", type in "Delete Facebook" into the search box at the top of the page. Click "Search".

    3. Arrive at the page titled "Facebook FAQs". Look down the list of FAQs and open the one called: "I want to permanently delete my account. How do I delete my account?"

    4. Read the Facebook information - it basically asks you whether you want to deactivate your account or delete it permanently. (Deactivating means that Facebook retains your profile information (friends, photos, etc.) but you have disappeared from the Facebook service.) Facebook makes it clear that if you want your information removed forever, you can never recover the information and it will be wiped for good.
    5. Click on You will be reminded that this is a permanent deletion and that your account cannot be reactivated and that none of the content or information you have added can be retrieved.

    6. Click submit. Follow the steps, such as entering your password, email, and Captcha code.

    7. Do not log in for the next 14 days and your account will be deleted completely. Note, however, that if you change your mind before the 14 days period is up, just log in and this will reactivate your account!

    Emailing Facebook to delete the account

    To speed up the process and if the above failed, try emailing Facebook.
    1. Email Facebook directly. The email is: Request that Facebook deletes your account.
    2. Wait to get an email response from Facebook confirming that your account has been permanently deleted. This should take a few days.
    3. If you don't hear back from Facebook within a week, email them again. This time, not only email Facebook at, but also send an email to and one to
    4. Finally, attempt to log in to your account once you get an email from Facebook. If you're unable to log in and don't get a message asking you to reactivate your account, your Facebook account has been permanently deleted.

    1. If you're not one hundred percent sure that you want to permanently remove all that information, you can temporarily "deactivate" your Facebook account. Just follow the detailed instructions at How to Deactivate a Facebook Account.

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